The Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT) is fighting back after the Tasmanian Government committed to allowing pets in rental properties.

The Amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act will mean owners can no longer unreasonably reject applications from prospective tenants because they have a pet.

In response, the REIT has commenced a campaign ‘Hear Our Voice’ to help landlords and owners to petition against the tabled change, stating that if 3 per cent of investors leave the Tasmanian private rental sector, that would result in 1650 homes being removed from Tasmania.

“The Real Estate Institute of the Tasmania is not against reforms. However, a careful and fully costed review by the Tasmanian Government is imperative to allow effective and achievable changes to the RTA. We are yet to see any plan as to how Tasmania Government will mandate protections for investment property owners.

“The mandating of Pets in Rentals will leave investment property owners without the right to say no, unless they apply to the Tribunal for a hearing to determine their refusal for permission to allow a pet in the property that they own,” the Hear Our Voice campaign stated.

Madeleine Ogilvie, Minister for Small Business and Consumer Affairs, said under the Amendment, current and future tenants will be able to keep pets, as long as the tenant notifies the owner.

“We want to get the balance right which is why the owner can object and apply to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal (the Tribunal) within 28 days of the notification. The Bill also provides an avenue for an owner to withdraw consent and to seek an order from the Tribunal that a pet must be removed in the event of a pet causing a nuisance, damage over and above reasonable wear and tear, posing an unacceptable safety risk or other reasonable grounds.”

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