All associates employed by Royal Canin will now be expected to complete education modules centered around the company’s core strategic objectives – pets, planet, and people.

In October 2021, Royal Canin announced its commitment to become certified carbon neutral by 2025, and this new program will empower every associate to be equipped with the knowledge to become a sustainability ambassador for the brand.

Matt Foster, General Manager of Royal Canin ANZ, said the company was proud to play a role in supporting associates with the tools and knowledge to broaden conversations they are having with customers, family, and each other.

“By empowering our associates to think more sustainably, we are not only encouraging them to make more sustainable choices in our business but to also make more informed choices in their everyday lives. This is a critically important investment for our business.

The education modules are broken down into three key areas:

  1. A detailed scientific overview of the broader ROYAL CANIN® sustainability strategy;
  2. Climate change, carbon emissions and how the company will achieve its carbon neutrality commitments; and
  3. A focused look at recycling and the importance/innovation behind recycled packaging.

In 2021, Royal Canin launched a recycling program, partnering with vet clinics, the RSPCA, and specialty retailers to collect its dry and wet food packaging for recycling to reduce the amount ending up in landfill.

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