Zoetis has once again partnered with Beyond Blue to raise much needed funds for mental health initiatives in rural Australia.

Farmers and rural communities have felt the pressure recently with factors such as inflation, cost-of-living, climate change, and the lingering impacts of Covid, emphasising the importance of mental health support.

Over the past eight years, Zoetis has committed $800,000 to Beyond Blue’s services, which have seen more than 300,000 individuals reach out for assistance in 2023 alone. This year, Zoetis has a goal of raising an additional $100,000 by the end of the year by donating $5 from each sale of the company’s livestock, pig, and poultry vaccines and drenches.

Lance Williams, Senior Vice President of Australia and Zealand at Zoetis, said the partnership with Beyond Blue is about more than just financial support.

“It’s about fostering a culture of hope and resilience, ensuring that those facing mental health challenges know they are not alone, and that help is available.

“It’s crucial to remember that this journey doesn’t have to be a lonely one. By fostering connections and creating safe spaces for open dialogue, we can collectively normalise conversations about mental health and encourage help-seeking behaviour. It’s about recognising that each person’s experience is unique and valid, and that seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.”

Over 3.4 million people in Australia are dealing with anxiety or depression, and nearly half of the population will face mental health issues in their lifetime. Not only are Australians living in rural and remote areas disproportionately affected by stress and anxiety, accessing services is significantly harder due to attitudinal, financial, and digital barriers.

Research from the National Farmers Federation, nearly a third of farmers have reported a decline in their mental health, citing weather-related disasters (47 per cent), financial stress (36 per cent), and inflation and cost pressures (35 per cent) as top contributors. Alarmingly, close to half of Australian farmers have experienced thoughts of self-harm or suicide, with feelings of loneliness and limited access to mental health services compounding these challenges.

“Every act of kindness, no matter how seemingly small, carries immense significance. Whether it’s a simple check-in with a neighbour, a supportive conversation with a friend, or a compassionate gesture towards a work colleague, these actions contribute to building a community where mental health is prioritised and stigma is dismantled,” said Williams.

People can support the Zoetis initiative between July 15 and October 31, 2024. For each sale of the company’s livestock, pig and poultry vaccines, and drenches, Zoetis will donate $5, up to $100,000, to Beyond Blue.

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