The Zoetis Foundation has awarded a second grant to the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) to help deliver its THRIVE pilot program.

The THRIVE Cultivating Safe Teams Pilot Program delivers tailored, in-workplace psychological health and safety awareness training that is fit for purpose for all individuals working in the veterinary profession.

Dr Sally Colgan, President of the AVA, said creating psychologically healthy and safe workplaces for all individuals working in the veterinary profession is a major focus for AVA and our THRIVE initiative.

“Programs such as this are key to supporting our veterinary workforce with tools and approaches that work.  This initiative underscores the AVA’s commitment to improving the wellness and safety of veterinary professionals, helping to create safer and more supportive environments to work in.”

The pilot has received excellent feedback from participants, and at the conclusion of the pilot, the AVA hopes to have trained more than 500 veterinary professionals across Australia.

Jeannette Ferran Astorga, President of the Zoetis Foundation, said it is critical for the future of veterinary medicine that they empower the veterinary community to prioritise wellbeing. 

“Through this grant, we are pleased to support the Australian Veterinary Association and their work in cultivating workplaces that foster veterinary mental health and wellbeing to advance a thriving veterinary community.”

The second grant of approximately $161,000 will enable the AVA to complete the training delivery, assess impact, and continue to provide the necessary resources and support to help improve overall wellbeing in our veterinary workplaces.

“We would like to thank the Zoetis Foundation for their generous support in funding the second year of the pilot program as well as our long-standing industry partners who have pledged their commitment to cultivating safe teams in veterinary workplaces,” said Dr Colgan.

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