Nominations for the Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) Director Elections are now open, with vacancies for the positions of Retail Director, Boarding and Pet Services Director, and National Director.

Anthony Ramsey, President of the PIAA, said that after a rough few years for the PIAA, the new board has begun the process of returning the association to an even keel.

“If any member has strong beliefs in what their PIAA should look like in the years ahead, now is the time to put your hand up. The ability for members to nominate and elect their PIAA directors is fundamental to the democratic process in member owned and driven associations.

“The direction we take PIAA in the next few years will likely define the association for the next decade.”

Nominations for sector positions are proposed and seconded by financial members of that sector. If more than one nomination is received, the nominations will be decided by a ballot of the members in that sector in the weeks leading up to the Annual General Meeting.

Candidates for national director position(s) can be nominated and seconded by any financial member from any category. If more nominations are received than positions available, nominations will be decided by a ballot of all members in the weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.

“Passion for the pet industry is first and foremost. Also, good communication skills and being able to work as part of a team. Being able to commit the time to being an active board member is also important.”

Ramsey said that knowledge and experience of and in the Pet industry and or other areas such as finance, governance, media and advocacy are desirable but still don’t trump enthusiasm and drive. 

“All directors must work toward achieving the aims and objects of the association as described in our constitution. 

“Sector directors need to promote specific agenda areas that affect their sector and drive the processes to achieve outcomes in those areas. Sector directors must also communicate and network with members and prospective members in their sector. 

“National directors should have a broader view of the entire pet industry and the big picture issues.  They will often me more heavily involved with the finances, governance and administration of the association and our staff. National directors may also assist sector directors as required.”

Members can self-nominate but they will need to ensure they still have other members complete the proposer and seconder sections on the nomination form.

Successful candidates will be announced at the association’s Annual General Meeting in late October.

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