A national survey has found almost 70 per cent of dog owners have uploaded images of their canine companions to social media and almost 30 per cent have set up accounts exclusively for their pets.

The research carried out by YouGov on behalf of Orivet, a Melbourne-based pet health biotechnology company, was conducted via an online survey of dog owners of various ages and situations across the country.

Unsurprisingly, younger urban-dwelling dog owners are far more likely to feature their furry friends online, with Millennials most likely to upload pictures (82 per cent), followed by Gen X (73 per cent) and Gen Z (72 per cent).

Dog owners of all ages with designer ‘oodle’ varieties are the most likely group to feature pictures of their dogs online (82 per cent) and set up accounts for their pets (53 per cent).

When it came to health advice, online portals like Google and WebMD for Pets were the second most commonly accessed, with the local veterinarian still being the most relied-upon source of information for all age groups, whether living in an urban or rural setting.

George Sofronidis, CEO of Orivet, said he was most surprised by the unconditional love lavished on our dogs.

“What struck me most was how forgiving we are of our canine companions. Almost half of the owners surveyed admit their dogs have caused some havoc around the house,” he said.

“Yet still we love them, as despite these transgressions, many dogs are treated like treasured family members and more than four in ten pet owners said they allowed their dog to sleep under the covers in their bed.”

Common complaints by participants included dogs coming inside wet or muddy and shaking themselves dry, eating socks, underwear or other clothing, destroying furniture and hiding bones that slowly rot over time.

Some things, though, never change, with a ball being by far a dog’s most favoured toy, closely followed by plush toys, according to the surveyed participants.

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