Swedish-founded pet food company Petgood has launched a locally made dental stick for dogs, featuring Australian insect protein.

It is the first product launched by Petgood in Australia and comes off the back of Petgood’s recent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results, finding the company saves over a thousand tonnes of CO2e emissions every year with their insect-based pet food, for which the footprint is up to 5 times lower than that of traditional alternatives.

Dr Nicky Sluczanowski, Petgood’s Lead Veterinarian, who is Australia-based, has played a key role in educating the European market about the health benefits of insect-based pet food.

“Black Soldier Fly larvae yield highly digestible sources of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals; as well as providing incredibly resource-efficient and sustainable feed ingredients. Insect protein can be very useful for pets with sensitivities to more traditional protein ingredients, and pets love the taste.

“Our product development is based on the latest science and research, and Petgood is actively involved in contributing to this via collaborative research projects with leading European academic institutions.”

Pernilla Westergren, CEO and Founder of Petgood, said Petgood was founded to provide premium nutrition for pets in a sustainable and transparent fashion.

“We are seeing rapid growth in market interest in insect-based pet products in Europe. Petgood has developed strong partnerships with leading European veterinary, breeder and pet specialty retail groups; and we are very excited to be introducing the Australian market to the many pet and planet benefits of insect-based companion animal nutrition.”

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