The board of the Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) has announced it will be looking to hire a CEO to assist in realising its objectives.

Directors currently serve on a voluntary unpaid basis, and the addition of a CEO would benefit PIAA as it would ensure it has a paid resource who is responsible for identifying and realising opportunities and for delivering the outcomes of the association’s strategic plan.

Anthony Ramsey, who was announced as the interim CEO, said that the CEO will lead the association and provide greater continuity for its advocacy and positions as well as facilitate and drive the agendas of the PIAA’s sector working groups, with a focus on communication and membership growth.

“The CEO should be someone who knows and understands all facets of the Australian pet industry. You must have a passion for pets and be willing to roll the sleeves up to undertake all operations of the association. The ability to effectively develop and communicate policy and advocacy positions to the greater industry and government is also key to the role.”

Ramsey said that there is no rush or urgency to fill the position and that the PIAA will take its time to explore all options and ensure the right candidate is chosen.

“We will not be filling the position for the sake of it. The position will be advertised in due course in all the usual places to ensure we reach as many prospective candidates as possible.”

Also announced was that Kathy Horner, who has been with the PIAA for nearly seven years, will be finishing up at the end of the month. The PIAA board, on behalf of its membership, thanked Horner and wished her all the best for the future.

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