Bell & Bone has secured national ranging at over 200 Petbarn stores, making the brand’s dental sticks more accessible than ever.

Arianne Sackville, Founder and Director of Bell & Bone, said she couldn’t be prouder of this achievement.

“Securing ranging in Petbarn has been an incredible milestone for Bell & Bone, and for me personally, as we are now one step closer to reaching our goal of giving more dogs a better chance at a healthier life through food.”

Sackville launched Bell & Bone at a time when there were multiple product recalls happening, due to brands using frightening ingredients and running bad processes, which in turn was making dogs sick.

“At the time, a lot of owners including myself, were losing faith in the process and turning to home-cooking, including premium ingredients that you could find in health food stores such as coconut oil and turmeric.”

Launching her first product range, Superfood Treats, Sackville used natural, trusted, and healthy ingredient to appeal to customers who were looking for better-for-you options.

“To win their trust, I spoke openly about my experience of owning a dog and put my promise to only do good on the back of each pack. My goal was to bring trust back to treat brands who were doing good, to call out the good ingredients and to be transparent and engaged with my community of fellow dog owners.”

Learning that 80 per cent of dogs suffer from dental disease, Sackville decided that it was her responsibility to change that, and the brand found its niche in oral hygiene.

“I realised that people were not compliant to good oral care routine and that there weren’t many products available to owners that actually did what they said. I set out to find the best manufacturer in this country and we teamed up to make the first healthy, natural dental stick with active ingredients known to prevent and reduce plaque and tartar.”

Bell & Bone is committed to educating owners on the possible impacts of dental disease and helping them avoid it, and dental health month in August is the perfect occasion to remind owners to look after their pet’s dental hygiene.

“We have dental month coming up in August which is an incredible time to raise awareness about the impact of dental health. We are on sale in August almost anywhere you can find us, so make sure to stock up then.”

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