Pet Circle’s ‘Pawtition’ to reform regulations across the country to allow pets on public transport has reached over 20,000 signatures.

Partnering with Seven Communications on the PR campaign, Pet Circle is hoping to place pressure on transport operators and ministers to recognise and act on the soaring demand to allow pets on buses, trains, trams, and domestic planes.

Ella Lymbereas, VP of Brand and Creative at Pet Circle, said that, together with rising cost of living pressures and concerns around road congestion, being able to take pets on public transport is an obvious solution to making our cities more liveable for all.

“Our customers have told us that being able to take their pets with them wherever they go – be it back to the office, joining them on their trips to see family and friends, or simply making it easier to get them to vet appointments – was key to making their lives better.”

There are thousands of pet parents who don’t have access to or can’t drive cars, including those with impairments or the elderly, who are currently struggling to navigate the out-dated transport policies across Australia and are unable to easily reach key pet services, like vets.

Patrice Pandeleos, Managing Director at Seven Communications, said that, as a dog owner who has fought and been successful for change previously, this is a campaign that she has been passionately behind from the very start.

“It’s been hugely motivating working with the incredible team at Pet Circle in order to make an impact and improve the lives of pet owners and pets across the country. The campaign is an important one to so many Australians and we hope that, ultimately, we’ve played a part in realising change in policy.”

The ‘Pawtition’ campaign includes a social advocacy initiative across Instagram and TikTok with petfluencers across the country posting pawtest signs with their pets, and peaked with Australia’s first and cutest ‘Pawtest’ outside of New South Wales Parliament House recently, with a number of passionate Pet Circle team members, MPs and pet parents joining to influence much-needed change.

Australians can sign the ‘Pawtition’ at

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