Spending her days as a youngster in her grandparents’ pet store meant Britney Westaway has been exposed to the pet industry her entire life – and she’s loved every second of it.

Graduating from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Business, Westaway had her travel plans thwarted by Covid, so instead took over from the recently departed Store Manager at Pet Destination.

“I run day-to-day operations for the store, we carry a large variety of stock lines for the standard and specialty pets; dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles and small animals. Further to my daily tasks, I consistently look for ways to expand, optimise and differentiate our business as an independent pet store.”

While Westaway’s passion is independent pet retailers and conveying the value they bring to the industry, the 23-year-old also wants to be heavily involved in the wider industry and immerse herself in important pet industry organisations.

“I am extremely passionate about independent pet retailers and the value we bring to the industry. My goal is to grow Pet Destination to be the biggest and best pet store in Queensland and if I achieve half the things on my list, I know we will be.”

Working with the team at IndePet and being a part of what they are doing for independent retailers has been a career highlight.

“I feel fortunate that my professional career in the pet industry commenced around the same time that Todd, Tia, and Sally joined IndePet. I am grateful to be a part of the amazing things they are doing for independent pet retailers.

“Last year’s IndePet conference was another highlight as it was inspiring to be a part of an event full of passionate pet people. It was a fantastic opportunity to get together and have some beneficial discussions surrounding the industry.”

Seeing more of an effort made on sustainability is a change that Westaway would like to see in the industry, with more sustainable materials and alternatives for plastic packaging being used.

“Sustainability is imperative and I hope to see more eco-friendly solutions in years to come.”

On being named as a Young Gun, Westaway said she is incredibly appreciative as she lives and breathes pets.

“Being named as a Young Gun will help me build my reputation and open doors to more opportunities within the pet industry. Being 23 years old, I am only just getting started!”

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