Dr Alison Shen has launched The Acupuncture Vet in Paddington, Brisbane, following increased demand for the Chinese therapy.

Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the principle of applying small needles or pressure to specific points in the body for the purpose of therapy, disease prevention, and maintenance of health.

Shen said that it works for all creatures, great and small.

“Acupuncture has no adverse side effects, no drug interactions, does not require hospital stays and is a very effective and non-invasive treatment for many conditions including pain.

“Holistic therapies like acupuncture, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, therapeutic ultrasound and laser therapy are not meant to replace, but in fact, complement traditional veterinary medicine extremely well.”

These complementary therapies can play an important role in palliative care, especially where conventional medicine and surgery treatments are no longer an option, and for pets during a challenging recovery period, such as in between injury recovery and post-surgery rehabilitation.

“Acupuncture assists with the maintenance of health and balance, and prevention of pain and disease, particularly in elderly patients suffering with osteoarthritis and chronic illnesses, those on multiple medications, in chronic pain or looking for alternative therapies and natural, non-medicated pain relief.”

Shen explained that acupuncture is becoming more accepted in the veterinary industry as vets are embracing complementary therapies and considering these treatments for their own pets.

“We accept referrals from veterinarians and rely on their continued care of patients for follow up on x-rays, preventative care and their medical health and monitoring.”

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