In today’s fast-paced world it’s not uncommon to experience a sense of FOMO, or fear of missing out, when it comes to our pets. We worry about their safety and well-being, especially when they’re outside of our direct supervision.

Recollo’s latest product, the FOMO dog or cat tag, has been released to give owners peace of mind that wherever their pet goes, they can easily be contacted and reunited with their furry friend.

Using QR code-based technology, the FOMO tag allows the owner to register their details at an online portal and if their dog or cat goes missing, the person who finds them simply scans the QR code and is provided with the owner’s details.

Given such a large portion of the population is currently renting or frequently moving, sometimes being microchipped simply isn’t enough. Should the owner go on holiday and leave their pet with a friend or family member, the FOMO tag allows owners to easily access and update the contact details to whoever is in care of the pet.

Using no batteries, apps, or serial numbers, the FOMO dog tag is simple to use and requires no ongoing maintenance, enabling owners to simply register and forget, but can rest assured that should their pet go missing, they can be easily contacted.

In addition to the owner’s details being accessible through the QR code, owners can also upload information about their pet such as likes and dislikes to help the scanner know best how to care for the pet until they can be reunited with their owner.

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