Do you know a person aged 30 or under that has made a valuable contribution to the pet industry? Are you one of these people?

Pet Industry News is on the hunt for young people who have made a meaningful contribution to their sector within the pet industry.

From dedicated veterinarians to endeavouring entrepreneurs to passionate volunteers, we’re looking for those young people who are passionate about what they do and are already making a difference in the industry.

Nominees can be from any sector of the industry such as aquatics, pet services, veterinary, retail, supply and manufacturing, breeding, grooming, and everything in between.

In the nomination, please let us know the name, age, and reason why this person should be recognised as a Young Gun.

Nominations are open to those aged 30 years and under (as of 31 December 2022) and close on 4 January 2023.

To nominate someone, please contact Deb at, or Tom at

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